Current or past ATPE member? If this is your first visit to our new website, you'll need to reset your password. Choose one of the options under "Do you need help signing in to our site?"

Do you need help signing in to our site?

Do you need help signing into our site?

Never been an ATPE member? Start here

Join the state's largest community of educators. Our membership benefits include:

  • Legal resources* to protect your career
  • Advocacy in Austin and D.C.
  • Professional learning and leadership opportunities
  • Money-saving discounts

A strong password should have: length = 8, numeric characters = 1, upper case characters = 1, lower case characters = 1, symbol characters = 1.

* Required Fields

*Eligibility, terms, conditions, and limitations apply. Visit to view important disclosures and complete details of the insurance policy. Staff attorney services are provided separate from the Educators Professional Liability Insurance Program.